Tuesday, June 16, 2009

Hysterical Excitement Ensues!

In the midst of all the fun of Excerpt Monday, I found out that The Scroll Thief is available for pre-order on both Amazon.com and Amazon.co.uk

Nearly deafened half the population of the western hemisphere alone.

Well, okay, Twitter anyway.

Here are the links:

The Scroll Thief (Amazon.com)

The Scroll Thief (Amazon.co.uk)

It all looks very sparse right now, but OMG (here I go again!) SQUEEEEEEEEEEEE!

*a few deep breaths later*

You can pre-order. How exciting is that????

*calming down again...*
In other news, you can read an excerpt from my forthcoming novel "Soul Fire" on my website and part of Excerpt Monday. Yes. I'm late. Very late. I got...um... distracted.

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